Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Deutschland in Oktober.

Hier sind meine Pläne für Oktober Deutschland Adventure. Eine unvollständige Liste.

*Kehlsteinhaus: Berchtesgaden, Deutschland
47°36′40″N 13°02′30″E

Das Kehlsteinhaus ist ein Dritte Reich Ära Gebäude errichtet oben auf dem Gipfel des Kehlstein, einem Felsvorsprung, der über dem Obersalzberg bei Berchtesgaden steigt. Es war auf seinem 50. Geburtstag als Rückzugsort und Ort, um Freunde und Würdenträger zu unterhalten, um Adolf Hitler vorgestellt.

*Dachau: Bavaria, Deutschland
48°15′37″N 11°26′3″E

Der berüchtigte KZ Dachau im Jahre 1933 von den Nazis gebaut. Zehntausende Häftlinge starben.

*Strasbourg: Elsass, Frankreich
48 ° 35'N 7 ° 45'E

Straßburgs historischem Stadtzentrum, der Grande Île (Grand Island), wurde zum Weltkulturerbe von der UNESCO im Jahr 1988 eingestuft.

*Stuttgart: Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
48 ° 47'N 9 ° 11'e

Ausgangspunkt für das Abenteuer.

*Rheinfall: In der Nähe Schaffhausen, Schweiz

Der Rheinfall ist der größte Wasserfall Europas Ebene.

*Loreley, St. Goarshausen, Deutschland

ein Stein auf dem östlichen Ufer des Rheins in der Nähe von St. Goarshausen, Deutschland, die rund 120 Meter über der Wasserlinie steigt. Es markiert den schmalsten Teil des Flusses zwischen der Schweiz und der Nordsee, und ist der bekannteste Merkmal der Rheinschlucht.

Der Felsen und das Murmeln es schafft wurden verschiedene Geschichten inspiriert. Eine alte Legende vorgesehen Zwerge leben in Höhlen in den Felsen.

fun with drones

It's fun.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Paris on the Platte - Denver, CO

Paris on the Platte at 1553 Platte St. in Denver is closed. I miss it. It was once the oldest coffee house in Denver located in the heart of LoDo Confluence Valley.

Paris was one of my old haunts from the high school days in the early 1990s. It basically remained the same over the years, save a few minor differences.

There was always sub-par artwork for sale from paintings to sculptures to pottery displayed on the walls. The food and coffee were first-class.

I enjoyed this laid back coffee house. It was open late although I preferred to go there during the day when I was older.

Many ghosts of the past are present there. I could sense it in the air and in the walls. I could almost feel myself regressing into my former, high school nerdy self while sitting in the back room shortly before it closed permanently. I wanted to wear a beret for some odd reason. I heard Ween in my head.

Many late-night hours were spent at Paris in my stoned youth playing chess, hanging out with friends, writing stories, smoking clove cigarettes, drinking café Mexicana, café Fantasia, looking at crappy books in the bookstore and doing all of the pretentious coffee house things a wayward youth did in the early 90s.

Paris was a nice alternative to Starbucks and one cannot go wrong with supporting local businesses in lieu of corporate, on every corner, coffee slag.

I always ordered café Fantasia, grub chips and salsa (red onions and cilantro made this homemade salsa oh so good) and a Ruben sammich on marble rye.

Every time I visited I kept expecting to get accosted by black clothed/hooded Goth kids while I was trying to keep from spilling the full of chunks salsa down my front. Goth kids were rarely seen in these modern days but I dribbled the foodie stuff all over myself as usual. I try to be graceful but to no avail.

I miss Paris. It was good times.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Not-Apo Really Was

Luminiferous - transmitting, producing or yielding light

Luminiferous: An ArapaGlow Valley Ranch Art Campout in Colorado had unicorns and gnomes and more.

It was Not-Apo but it was Apogaea. It created something new that was not there before...something that really needed to happen.

It was a great event.

That which is most beautiful is you.

Taco House Not Closed Permanently

My family's favorite restaurant, Taco House at 1390 W. Littleton Blvd, has been closed since April 14. It may be closed but it's not permanently closed. That fills me with joy.

I reached out to find out what happened.

"It's a mess over there," said Taco House owner Dora D’Andre, who rents the building. A mid-April spring snowfall turned a roofing repair project in to a nightmare. The restaurant flooded with 3 inches of water. It is in the process of remodeling.

I was shocked to see it closed. Dread warshed over me. For over 50 years the family-run business has provided delicious Mexican food out of the mid-century almost historic building. Is it deemed historic yet?

The prominent yellow brick restaurant, on Littleton Blvd between Broadway and the Historic Downtown Littleton district, has fed 4 generations of my family.

What needs to be done to reopen is a large task. The City of Littleton red flagged the recognizable, old building and is requiring all of the electrical to be redone to bring it up to code.

"We will reopen," D’Andre said adamantly, "Hopefully the end of July; as soon as construction is complete."


Monday, June 1, 2015

Dixon Trail - Cheyenne Mountain State Park

What was going on in Cheyenne Mountain State Park this past weekend? Building the Dixon Trail.

A historic, 100 year old route, the Dixon Trail will connect the park's North Talon Trail to the summit of Cheyenne Mountain.

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado have worked on the Dixon Trail for a while now. When completed it will be three miles long with an elevation gain of 2,200 feet.

Good work was done on it.

Here is a gallery of pictures: https://flic.kr/s/aHskcaZqs4