Thursday, August 20, 2015

Herbal Medicine Making. It's fun!

Call me Geppetto Wildcrafter! Weee for herbalism, botanical medicine/crude medicine! Watch out for that wily herbal alchemist! Yes yes! I have become very fascinated with the wildcrafting arts. Wildcrafting is the harvesting and collection of plants for food or medicine purposes. Herbal alchemy was used for healing purposes and I am focusing on the healing. Call me healer. Drink this tonic.

I am throwing together a medicine “bag” containing 4-ounce hexagon glass jars. Each jar will contain an herb or plant. It will be my homemade herbalist kit! I like learning.

I will get a few things for starters, as basics, a small foundation: peppermint leaf, catnip, slippery elm bark, rosehips, chili flakes, lemongrass, comfrey root, yellow mustard seed, burdock root, damiana leaf, elderberries, dandelion leaf, fennel seed, Hawthorn leaf/flower/berries, rosemary leaf, lemon balm, calendula, kava kava root, skullcap, Echinacea, saw palmetto berries, ginkgo leaf, valerian root, epimedium leaf, yohimbe bark and horse chestnut.

I’ll cure what ails ya yo. I’ll concoct herbal remedies that will relieve stress, and other things like anger and depression, including adding vitamins and nutrients to the body. I’ll whip up some herbal tinctures and salves and infusions and ointments! I’ll wrastle up some curative shit! I’ll use beeswax and lavender oil! I’ll do the practices of the ancient guilds of alchemists proud.

The kit will have the essence of the following flowers: California Wild Rose, St. John’s Wort, Scotch Broom, Scarlet Monkeyflower and Holly.

I’m not joking. I’m serious. I will become quite learned in alternative cures. It’s good stuff to know. Right? I think so. Right? Yes. Why not? Yes. Drink this tonic.

I need more stuff cluttering my brain. Call me Geppetto Wildcrafter.

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